Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wow. Ella Jane is almost here and it took this long for her dad to post on this blog. Man, I hope this not a sign of things to come. I still have no idea what to expect. Luckily we have several friends going through the same thing and I try and talk to the fathers as much as I can. They are wonderful people who love every second of it and do an awesome job of keeping me excited about the whole experience.
Now, off to the reason I wanted to post on this blog. I guess I just wanted to get down in words what I have experienced so far the past 9 months. It has amazed me how much a focus can change once you find out you are pregnant. I mean, I look back to all the things I used to worry about, like getting frustrated with Robyn, getting caught up in drama, just letting other distractions get into my life. You name it.
But, I will never forget the night that we found out we were pregnant. And just like that, all of that was lifted away. That world stopped right then and there an another one began. I became so numb to everything else. There were only 2 priorities in my life after that night: my wife and my unborn child. Everything else came in second place. I feel like I reached a totally different level in life. I mean, not to sound snobbish, but it was almost, and still is, tough to relate to anyone who had not experienced this in their life. My best friend, Michael Britt, told me that once you are pregnant and you have the child, every other problem and issue not related to your family just seem so trivial and non important. I really did not understand what he was talking about until we got pregnant, but I totally understand it now.
My daughter is not here yet, but she has already taught me that life is wonderful and that life is really a miracle. You will never ask me how I am doing without me giving a positive response, no matter how bad my day may be. I realize how lucky and blessed I am and that people would kill, steal, murder, you name it, to have my life. It is amazing how someone who is not here yet has already taught me so much. That makes her special already.
And my wife, what a trooper. What a wonderful pregnancy she has had so far. She feels great and looks great. I could not have had anything better. We have traveled this summer and there was not a weekend that we were not at the pool. We spent so much time together this summer and I have loved every bit of it. I told her that the day after we got married, I looked at her that next morning and fell in love with her all over again. I thought that could not happen again. I was wrong. Ella Jane made sure that happened again.
Fun times ahead of us. Until next time...

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