Tuesday, April 14, 2009

6 Months

We just finished Easter with EJ. It is hard to believe it spring, Easter has come and gone, and now EJ is over 6 months old. Wow. There is one thing true about children...they speed up time. This has been the fastest 6 months of my entire life. But I have loved every single second of it. I just wished I knew how to slow it down.
EJ did something awesome this past Easter Sunday. She waved for the first time. Gramma was talking and waving to her, and EJ just waved back like she knew what she was doing. It was quite a scene. We were all together as a family at my sister's house and we all just stopped and watched. Tears were flowing.
So, what has 6 months taught us so far? Well, about the only way to sum it all up for us, at least for me, is that if I knew that having a little one would be like this, I would have done this years ago. EJ is just so awesome. I mean, she eats, she sleeps (sleeps late when we let her), she plays, we take her absolutely everywhere. On weekends, we keep her out as late as 11 at night sometimes. She just goes with the flow. She is an absolute trooper. She hangs right with her parents. I think she likes to be on the go as much as we do. Looking back, we just absorbed her into our lives and just kept going, like she did not have a choice and she adapted very well from day one.
As far as Robyn goes, these past 6 months have taught me a lot about her as well. Man, I really did not think she would be a laid back with EJ as she is. But, she is the exact opposite that I thought she would be. I mean, I thought that Robyn would be running and grabbing at EJ everytime that baby made a sound. But Robyn is so easy going, soft, caring to EJ, no matter what EJ throws at us. It is almost as if Robyn speaks her language and knows exactly what EJ is feeling all the time. It is fun to watch. I know it is the fact that Robyn is the way that she is is why EJ is as easy going as she is. And, I see now that Robyn was absolutely born to be a mother. I have never seen a love like Robyn has for Ella Jane. I mean, it is an emotion from her that you can really almost physically see. Just her desire to see her, hold her, talk to her, play with her. And, you can see the uneasiness that comes over her when she is away from her. It really shows that it is just gift that Robyn has, to be a loving mom to EJ, more love for a daughter that I have ever seen in my life.
As for me, I can not get enough of EJ. I have days that I get her all to myself. I can not wait for those days.

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